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Total War: ROME II - Rise Of The Republic Campaign Pack Download Lite


About This Content The year is 399 BC, and Rome is poised for greatness. However, its very existence balances on a knife-edge.The Gallic Senones tribe, led by chieftain Brennus, are newly settled in eastern Italy. Ambitious and fierce, they are but a javelin-throw from the nascent republic.The tyrannical Dionysius rules Syracuse with an iron fist. He leads the war against Carthage, but his eyes range across the Mediterranean as he considers future conquests.Under the guiding hand of the great philosopher-statesman Archytas, Taras in southern Italy is reaching the zenith of its glory and power. Rome’s meteoric rise is cause for concern, to be sure – perhaps an intervention is merited? Meanwhile, Marcus Furius Camillus seeks the title and powers of Dictator. His vision for Rome is grand indeed, but can it survive the designs of the young republic’s neighbours?A crossroads in history: a time of threat – and of opportunity.A time for the republic to rise.Total War: ROME II – Rise of the Republic is a thrilling new campaign pack charting the events surrounding Rome in the 4th century BC. The campaign unfolds across a detailed map of Italy including Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and Carthage, and depicts the tumultuous events which ultimately set the stage for the Second Founding of Rome.Rise of the Republic Content:A full prequel campaign to Total War: ROME II set in the 4th Century BCAll-new campaign map, detailing the landmass of Italy and its neighbouring statesNine playable factions:Rome – a growing republic, vulnerable and surrounded by enemiesTarchuna – the mighty and influential Etruscan stateSenones – a Cisalpine Gallic tribe with a thirst for plunderInsubres – a Gallic tribe who are diplomatic and managerial in styleSamnites – an Italic state that threatened Rome in the 4th century BCTaras – a Greek city-state founded by the SpartansSyracuse – a Greek metropolis in Sicily, and the bastion against CarthageIolei – an indigenous Sardinian tribeVeneti – an Italic tribe of horse masters surrounded by enemiesAn epic campaign battle for the city of Rome Post Battle Loot New TechnologiesRegion specific dilemma systems – depending on the regions you control dilemmas related to Carthage or Massalia might spawn.Chapter objectives are also faction specific and are a way to unlock agents.The factions of Rise of the Republic are uniquely replayable due to the new Government Actions options, which replaces the Change Government system from prior ROME II campaigns. These options provide unique new bonuses, albeit at a cost. Some notable examples are:Rome may appoint consuls or dictators in times of needThe Etruscans of Tarchuna can initiate the summit of Fanum Voltumnae, where decisions are madeThe Samnites can rely on the ancient Ver Sacrum rite, to receive an instant armyThe Insubres and Senones rely on druidic councils for divination and public supportTaras has access to court philosophers who greatly improve their researchAlong with these, different factions have access to specific dilemma chains such as:Rome often is forced deal with domestic trouble that result in plebeians or patricians being happy or enraged.Greek factions can influence the struggle of the Greek poleis back in Hellas.Rise of the Republic will be released alongside the Ancestral Update, which introduces the fan-favourite Family Tree to Total War: ROME II and all its various free and premium Campaign Packs. The Ancestral Update is available to opt in for open beta now. Learn more about the family tree, huge graphical updates and how to opt into the beta here: UNITSRomе – Veteran Centuriae - Roman style hoplites of pre-manipular days.Etruscans – Etruscan hoplites – Outfitted with rich Etruscan battle garb they march for their city.Senones – Gallic Axe Cavalry – Mounted axe-men that can break enemy ranks as easily as they will chase the broken enemy afterwards.Insubres – Gallic Elder Swordsmen – a grizzled veteran warriors that have seen thousands of battles.Syracuse – Hippotoxotes – A bowman on a horse, the implications are endless.Taras – Tarantine Cavalry – Swift and deadly mounted skirmishers.Iolei – Nuragic Runners – armed with a heavy gauntlet, these men charge into combat to prove their merit before the gods.Veneti – Ekupetaris – a unit of Veneti cavalry with horses specifically bred for battle.Samnites – Linen Legion – grim Samnites that are ready to conquer any foe, sword and shield in hand.NEW TECHNOLOGIESRome – The Legend of CincinnatusLucius Quinctius Cincinnatus is one of the brightest names in the short history of the Republic. Within fifteen days, Cincinnatus had assembled an army, marched against the enemy, defeated them, triumphed, laid down his office and returned to his plough - this is the conduct of a true Roman!Rome – Vae VictisThere are several large, wealthy cities in Italy – rich in culture but, more importantly, filled with treasure and ripe for the taking.Syracuse – Master & InventorThe ingenuity and expertise of our leader, Dionysius, is apparent in many aspects of our lives. Now, he has invented a device to hurl projectiles over great distances. This miracle device is called a ‘catapult’.Taras – Legendary LeaderOur leader is Archytas, a ruler influenced by the teachings of Pythagoras. He has a reputation for virtue and efficacy, making him – in the eyes of some if not all – Plato’s model philosopher-king.And many more...NEW BUILDINGSEuryalus – Literally translated as “Halo”. A major wall constructed around Syracuse by the tyrant Dionysius. It was a real marvel of the ancient world.Syracuse Mercenary Chain – Camp for foreign soldiers who come ready to fight for Dionysius.Samnite Linen Tents – A place where Samnite soldiers can make their vows before combat.Satyrion – Great temple dedicated to a local Nymph, believed to be mother of the Greek hero Taras.Capitoline Hill – This building represents the Roman forum and the last point of defense that symbolized the city’s invincibility.Carthago Port – The port of Carthago was a real marvel of the ancient world. It was enormous in terms of size and fitting for the people who ruled the Mediterranean trade for centuries.Venetic Stables – The Veneti were the horse masters of ancient Italy. The breed coming from their lands had excellent qualities for chariot racing and was valuable trade commodity.Nuraghes – Unique tower structures of the ancient Sardinian civilization. Nuraghes are impressive Neolithic structures that had numerous functions in the Nuragic society.Spura – The Etruscan city where the life is civilised and sophisticated. 6d5b4406ea Title: Total War: ROME II - Rise of the Republic Campaign PackGenre: StrategyDeveloper:CREATIVE ASSEMBLYPublisher:SEGAFranchise:Total WarRelease Date: 9 Aug, 2018 Total War: ROME II - Rise Of The Republic Campaign Pack Download Lite total war rome ii - rise of the republic campaign pack key. total war rome ii - rise of the republic campaign pack review. total war rome ii - rise of the republic campaign pack download. total war rome ii - rise of the republic campaign pack gameplay. total war rome ii - rise of the republic campaign pack скачать. total war rome ii – rise of the republic campaign pack. total war rome ii - rise of the republic campaign pack steam key. total war rome ii - rise of the republic campaign pack test. total war rome ii - rise of the republic campaign pack cena. total war rome ii - rise of the republic campaign pack обзор More of the same. The AI is far more aggressive but definitely not smarter. You'll spend most of your campaign fighting the same boring battles over and over again. Definitely not worth the full price.. Actually my favorite DLC for this game, long, challenging campaign without feeling *too* long. Definitely worth on sale, but maybe a little too steep full price.. The reviews are correct, this DLC is tougher than the main campaign, but I think giving a negative review over it is a bit harsh. Rome is not an "easy" start faction in this DLC, I had to restart a few times before figuring out what to do at the very beginning , you start at war with an Etruscan faction like the grand campaign, but you likely shouldn't attack on turn 1. Those who complain the AI gets "doomstacks", yeah, they have in every TW game, however the food mechanic allows you to starve them out as well and at lower difficulties their armies are not unrealistic for their income. Those 20 stack armies will wither to almost nothing if you cut off their food supply and one way of doing that is making sure they don't control an entire province so they can't issue a food edict. Those who think their agents suck compared to the AI, it's because they do, you pobably left them sitting without ranking up. Those who complain of constant civil wars and slave revolts aren't watching their political situation or public order. You don't get a massive boost to public order like the grand campaign for being Rome, stabilizing it is a primary priority and so far I haven't seen negative traits for being in a town come as fast as the other campaigns meaning parking a legion in a town to raise order is a viable usage. The unit mixture for Rome is very different than the rest of the campaigns until the late game tech reforms them to your standard histati, principies, and triarii. Phalanx and short swordsmen are your bulk, and you get slingers at the start too. These have much longer range than leves or velities and are a good ranged unit other than their armor and melee skill. Your battle tactics must change accordingly and should be more like the Grecian factions in the main campaign. The tech tree is different in terms of what techs do and the bonuses for the different tiers, most are based around raising food or recruitment slots and public order rather than tax rates and lowering corruption like the other campaigns. It is vital to pay attention to the bonus objectives as well as these give you a massive treasury boost when you achieve a main objective. Some techs also introduce the festivals that just occur in the main campaign, giving you public order boosts or food boosts. As Rome, you'll see some events with Carthage too.. Greeks are so strong in this DLC.. Shame that this is Windows only, as I have the game on Mac.. This one like Sge of Brittany systeem in to Rome and i like the battles. The A.I is extremely unbalanced- enemy spies ALWAYS succeed, when your spies ALWAYS fail. A waste of $16 for this game.. visual bugs like officers not holding a spear or having a grey shield ( completely ignored by ca ) a proof that it was only quick cash grab. This battle landscapes with this add-on is even better than previous add-on's IMO.Playing as the Roma faction is extremely difficult, I have had to move to the easy setting to get anywhere.. The best campaing ive played in TW Rome 2, a must play.


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